Frequent visitors to this site will find a lot less to view in 2020. I started posting files on this page in October, having realized I had not posted a single photo yet. Don't look for a lot of variety. Too many pictures of the pets and animals around the house. Too many bird photos.
What can I say? We are under quarantine.
What can I say? We are under quarantine.
Rest of the Year - A Different Holiday Season
We love our neighborhood and home, but the city of Plymouth is pretty unremarkable. Take its "Holiday Lights Display" at the nearby outdoor performance center. It is the Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree of light shows. I tried to capture its "splendor."
Christmas with Ash and Friends
Like everyone, our holidays were different this year. We were so grateful we could enjoy an extended visit from Ash, though. We also continued our Christmas Day tradition of hosting Judy and Ana Paul, albeit safely-distanced around our back yard fire pit.
October on our way to Emily's wedding
Chippy and Snowball
The hummingbirds stayed well into September, then left all at once.
The next day Chippy arrived, a rare pileated woodpecker.
A week or so later he was joined by Snowball, an albino squirrel.
It's 2020. You can't make this stuff up.
The next day Chippy arrived, a rare pileated woodpecker.
A week or so later he was joined by Snowball, an albino squirrel.
It's 2020. You can't make this stuff up.
Some more birds. Yes, I got bored working from home.
Fall Colors
We had a beautiful fall. Wonderful colors. A good reason to get outdoors and safely distance. We spent a day at Wild River State Park and I spent an afternoon here in town at our Millennium Gardens.
You are stuck at home during a pandemic.
You like hummingbirds so you go "all-in" this year: four feeders.
You also spend too much on cameras so, of course, you try to take pictures of hummingbirds.
You like hummingbirds so you go "all-in" this year: four feeders.
You also spend too much on cameras so, of course, you try to take pictures of hummingbirds.
Trying to liven up our routine, we visited a bison sanctuary on Labor Day.
More backyard birds. As you can see, some of them have had rough go of it.
Okay, not birds but I refuse to have a separate tree frog section.
July 4th weekend included a trip to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and a backyard barbecue with friends.
A trip to the Minnesota Zoo when limited access was available.
A visit from the Hutchins sisters while Stacy was in town in early June.
A weekend trip to see Ash in February. Little did we realize it would be our last trip for six months and our last airline travel in 2020!
January as it is in "normal times." Celebrating Kate's and Christy Hutchins's birthdays.
Copyright Jim Vogl (2000-2025). Content on this website is copyrighted and may not be reposted, republished, copied or reproduced without permission.
Copyright Jim Vogl (2000-2025). Content on this website is copyrighted and may not be reposted, republished, copied or reproduced without permission.