Day Six – Icelandic Horseback Riding and Whale Watching
Thursday included two activities that drew us to Iceland in the first place: riding Icelandic Horses and going whale watching, all in or next to the fjord where Akureryi is located.
The Icelandic Horse is a breed unique to the island. Believed to have been brought to Iceland by the Vikings, they are small, sturdy and gentle horses. They are also known for having a five gaits (vs. the typical three) including one called the tölt which is quicker than a trot but very smooth. We had a great morning ride. Whale watching consumed our afternoon. Humpback whales inhabit the fjord, but you never know where they will be. On this day they were found at the far north end of the fjord, near where it opens to the sea. That meant a 45-60 minute ride in a stand-up zodiac at full throttle out to see the whales, an hour of cool whale sightings, then 60 minutes back at full throttle. It was worth it...even for Jen, who deposited her Icelandic lunch in the sea. I will apologize up front for the qualities of the photos this day. I used a "backup" camera given our rugged activities and its settings were off for our horseback adventure. Rats! |