Day 5 - On to Lille!
On the fourth day the French-speaking daughter arrived, and our feeble slaughter of the French language abated. Jen took a TGV from We departed Paris by train for Lille, located 135 miles to the north, near the Belgium boarder. Jen lived in this town and studied with students from France and around the world at Sciences Po Lille (Lille Institute of Political Science). The school is part of the highly selective grades écoles, educating France's political and diplomatic elite. Its academic focus spans not only the political and economic sciences, but also law, communications, finance, business, urban policy, management, and journalism. (Thanks, Wikipedia!)
When we hit the ground in Lille we turned the trip over to Jen, as we were in her town. She was excited to show us her modest studio apartment, her school campus, and the quaint town she was calling home. |