Day Four - On to Akureyri
Population-wise, Iceland is not a big place. Total population: 335,000, give or take. Most (200,000 or so) call Reykjavik home. At just over 18,000 residents, Akureyri is the fourth largest "city" in Iceland. It is located at the southern end of the Eyjafjörður Fjord on the northern coast of the island, about 60 miles south of the Arctic Circle. It would be our "home" for the next few nights.
How do you get to Akureyri? Why, Air Iceland, of course. Not to be confused with Iceland Air, this little airline gets people around the island...and over to Greenland...on very small turbo prop planes. That said, a 45-minute flight spared us several hours on the road to get to our destination. Staying in Akureyri was truly a highlight of our trip, not just because of the fun things we did while we were there, but because of the charming place that it is. It was a beautiful village full of nice people. We were blessed with amazing weather--sunny, clear and warm--which made it all the better. |